The purpose of writing this thesis was to explain the narrative study Ex. 17:1-7 on the contention of the Israelites with Moses equated with the probation of the LORD and its implications for today'sbelievers. The method of writing used is qualitative, namely the method of literature research (Library Research) using the Bible, dictionaries, interpretations and books and various writings contained in the onlinemedia, which relates to the discussion in the author's thesis. Based on the author's description in the thesis about the quarrel of the Israelites with Moses is likened to temping god and its implications for today'sbelievers, then the author can draw some conclusions. First, the quarrel was a controversial act committed by the Israelites because the needs of this nation were not met. This contention of the Israelites with Moses in Exodus 17:1-7 occurred because the Israelites did not get or find water to drink. Second, the quarrel of the Israelites is likened to tempting the LORD because when the Israelites came out of the wilderness Sin went to Rafidim it was based on the command or command that came out of the mouth of the LORD so that when the Israelites quarreled with Moses it was equated with tempting the LORD. Third, the implication of the israelite quarrel with Moses is the same as temping god is when doubting the power and sovereignty of God as well as by temping god.
Key Words: Exodus, Contention, Trying, Command, LORD, Moses, Israel.
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